Jared Cotta
Hey, my name is Jared. I am the oldest brother in the titular Cotta Family and I reside in Miami with the other host of this new show. Let's do this lightning round:
Favorite international destination: Israel, there is something so special about this country. It might be because of my personal Jewish lineage but Israel just feels like my home away from home.
Favorite domestic destination: Asheville, NC, Amazing food, a million breweries, and the Blue Ridge Parkway. Take me back!
Favorite Cuisine: Peruvian food, a little sea a little mountain but a lot of spice and variety. Lima is the food capital of South America.
Favorite Bar: Polite Provisions in San Diego. The first joint that ever had my drink ready when I walked in. Best cocktails ever.
Essential thing in my suitcase: Running shoes, show me the best route in the city!

Brendan Cotta
Hey, my name is Brendan. I am the second oldest brother in the titular Cotta Family and I reside in Miami with the other host of this new show. Let's do this lightning round style:
Favorite international destination: Mexico City. I did so much exploring and eating while I was here but still left feeling like I had barely scratched the surface. My trip to Mexico City was one of the best of my life and I can't wait to go back.
Favorite domestic destination: Chicago. There's so much to do, so much to see, and having a good public transportation system makes the city feel so accessible.
Favorite Cuisine: Mexican food reminds me of San Diego and, no matter the price range, authentic Mexican food never disappoints.
Favorite Bar: Lagniappe, a great wine bar in Miami. It has a large selection and beautiful outdoor seating.
Essential thing in my suitcase: A Kindle, as long as I can entertain myself until I reach my destination I'll be happy the whole trip.